Monday, June 25, 2007

Hmm sounds risky..

Been waxing [un]poetically on friends blogs on this site for awhile.. filling their comments boxes with my own useless drivel. Rather selfishly too I might add.

So after surrendering to my internal lament for not having a place to log my own random thoughts, I finally take the step to setup a blog of my own.

For the most part, I would consider this to be far too risky. And setting this up was a matter of shortsighted optimism, and indulgent denial. For the most part, bloggers I know blog fairly lighthearted stuff. It seems that what I need to vent is far heavier and less acceptable. Philosophy, religion, politics, these are things polite conversation has long considered taboo. And with good reason. These can be too divisive, and inflammatory, even between the closest of lovers, let alone families or strangers. But since I occasionally feel our collective car is getting closer to the cliff, why not look out the window as we go?

Why risky you might still think? Well, I feel that this internet thing is still mighty young. And often following great bursts liberal expansion, society can revolve, and retighten it's expectations of behavior. I do not think my own thoughts worthy of being targeted, but never the less, I have little interest in being under the boot-heel of reflexive repression. [Consider Americans who were curious about this new well-meaning, equality-based, utopian vision of government that popped up in the middle of the last century. Even if Communism was a doomed theory of government, the witch-hunts against it cared not how it affected those it investigated. Lives were destroyed, for even being suspected of attending an information session. And this was just 50 years ago in the land of the free. I don't want to end up in a extra-national prison camp ala Gitmo.]

Plus I still kinda harbor an interest in running for political office, and it would be foolish to torpedo my future for the sake of a little intellectual diarrhea now.. not that I can stop.. look how long this post already is. Mark my words. Salmon Rushdie will not be the last to have reason to fear for how easy it is to be condemned from afar with this new world order.

Thanks for visiting! =-) Have a nice day!


Tony said...

So what's the deal? How come you never told anyone you were joining the blogosphere? And why have you abandoned it so fast?

Nato said...

Hehe stealth blogging..

So actually what I wanted was a place to vent.. what I wasn't sure of was a need for an audience. That and I hadn't had time or inspiration to actually blog yet.

Thus the lack of 'advertising'.

I should get you a prize though for being the first to 'stumble onto' my page. A copy of Convoy on DVD perhaps?

I hope to use this page soon.


Tony said...


Oops. My caps lock was on. That wasn't supposed to be so ominous.